Limited Edition Sequoia Tee

Sequoia Tee

Sequoia Tees, a website that creates hand-made, artist designed t-shirts, chose my artwork to feature on their latest tee. Check out the t-shirt here, on sale in a limited edition.





Good NeighborsI selected the design from my “Good Neighbors” project, a concept I’ve been exploring casually for years. I began the Good Neighbor project intending to portray the faces of the second string of power. While drawing these small-minded characters I’d ask, “Would they make a good neighbor?”

How about Michael Burry, who by shorting sub-prime mortgages, made a bundle when borrowers lost their homes? Or Daniel Feith? Or Joe Arpaio?

In similar spirit to Guston’s “Poor Richard,” the question also begs a level of introspection. I, much to my chagrin, identify with the sweaty discomfort of Nixon. In drawing such imagined public despots, I have begun to ask: “What kind of neighbor am I?”

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