Seating Arrangements

featuring works by Don Christensen, Mary Heilmann, Kurt Gumaer and Daniel Wiener


 Hocus Pocus in Blue, 15 x 15 x 15 inches, Apoxie-Sculpt .
 Plumbline of Disaster, 2010, Apoxie-Sculpt
Sagging into the Space Between the Slats, 63 x 34 x 14.5 inches, Apoxie-Sculpt, metal
Dumbstruck, 27 x 24 x 11 inches, Apoxie-Sculpt

Hocus Pocus in Blue, 15 x 15 x 15 inches, Apoxie-Sculpt .

A three-legged stool, in homage to Brancusi.

Plumbline of Disaster, 2010, Apoxie-Sculpt

Sagging into the Space Between the Slats, 63 x 34 x 14.5 inches, Apoxie-Sculpt, metal

Dumbstruck, 27 x 24 x 11 inches, Apoxie-Sculpt


Paradigm Shift by Janet Goleas, Blinnk

The Art Scene: 08.16.12 by Jennifer Landes, The East Hampton Star

New Mixed Medium Exhibit, Posted by Katrina Garry, KDHamptons

Press Release