Featuring artworks by: Julia Bland, Robert Calafiore, Caroline Chandler, Kris Chatterson, Vince Contarino, Chris Coffin, Jonathan Cowan, Carl D’Alvia, Daniel Wiener, Deborah Dancy, Phillip Knoll, Martha Lewis, Becca Lowry, Adam Niklewicz, Susan Manspeizer, Portia Munson, Matt Phillips, Gina Hayden, Erica Ranee, Ben Rosencrans, Gerald Saladyga, Nichole van Beek, and Joy Wood
The Tide is High
- [Group Show]
- September 3 through 25, 2016 Curated by Michael Levinson, Chris Joy, Jeffrey Mueller for Empire Historic Art & Silvermine Galleries
- Colonels Row
- Governors Island
- New York, New York