Green Vase || February – March 2009
Color Samples
Dark Green – 95 green and 5 black
Dark Blue – 95 blue and 5 black
Blue –
Dark Green – 70%
Dark Blue – 15%
Blue – 15%
Weighing Out Some Dark Blue
Febuary 25, 2009 (approximately)
Cleaning up
Rasping and Sanding "Flute" of Vase
Cleaning up
Checking the color of the opening. dusted and added a little Butcher Block Oil
March 6, 2009
Building a Stand – Step 1
Building a stand for the green vase. I set it atop a pile of plasticine and balanced it there by attaching tie wire to the ceiling.
Building a Stand – Step 2
Adding coils to make a stand. Protecting the vase with saran wrap and plasticine, so that the Apoxie Sculpt on the stand does not adhere to the vase and so that the vase can lift out of the stand. Worked on the stand. Added some supports. Just a little bit at a time.
Building a Stand – Step 3
Making the coils in dark green, dark blue and blue.
First batch
300 Dark Green
300 Dark Blue
150 Blue
Second batch (better proportions)
140 Dark Green
30 Dark Blue
30 Blue
Building a Stand – Step 4
A few more coils added so the vase will stay in place. And look "right".
March 12, 2009
Building a Stand – Step 5
First Batch of the day
Dark Green – (665 green + 35 black) + 700 part B = 1400 grams
Dark Blue – 120 + 120 part b = 240 grams
Blue – 120 + 120 part b = 240 grams
Adding to the stand. Start setting up to lay apoxie-sculpt coils over plasticine to extend stand.
Changed My Mind
— Changed my mind and decided to clean up the vase. Feel like I am obsessing/fussing with the stand and should not be. Let the piece be the piece. "Fix" the stand later, if it still bothers me.
So I spent the day, carving and sanding imperfections and mold seams and filling gaps and holes with Dark Green.
Filling Indentations
Filling indentations, "eye" with the following:
25 grams – 25% yellow, 75% green + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
25 grams – 50% yellow, 50% green + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
25 grams – Dark Blue + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
25 grams – (50% Yellow Green (25% yellow, 75% green) + 50% Orange) + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
Then looking at the vase on the stand to see what it looks like up to this point.
March 13, 2009
Changed My Mind Again – Building a Stand – Step 6
–Changed my mind again with the help of Alice and decided to build the stand about 2 feet higher.
Setting up plasticene for extending stand. About 20" higher than the original stand, so that the top of the vase is about 4′ high. The stand is in the white bucket, top down.
Building a Stand – Step 7
The extension to the stand is made from:
Dark Green – (1300 green + 200 black) grams + 1500 Part B = 3000 grams
Dark Blue – (950 blue + 100 black) grams + 1000 Part B = 2000 grams
Blue – 1000 grams + 1000 grams Part B = 2000 grams
I made almost too much. Hard work to prepare it all and roll it out before it started to set. I will have to carve the plasticene out from inside the piece, more than I would like.
Cleaning Up
More sanding.
Filling Indentations
Adding more of the following to the indentation… in the lower part of the vase.
25 grams – 25% yellow, 75% green + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
25 grams – 50% yellow, 50% green + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
25 grams – Dark Blue + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
25 grams – (50% Yellow Green (25% yellow, 75% green) + 50% Orange) + 25 grams Part B = 50 grams
And some more sanding… down to 220, or so.
March 14, 2009
Building a Stand – Step 8
Fixing the stand, adding "legs" so that it stands up, doesn’t fall down.
300 Dark Green [30 black + 270 green] + 300 Part B = 600 grams
60 Dark Blue + 60 Part B = 120 grams
60 Blue + 60 Part B = 120 grams
Think I need to buy more green. Sanded more. 220 and lower.
Cleaning Up
000 Steel wool. Almost done.
March 21, 2009
Green Vase on the Stand
Almost done. A few more coils for the stand. Waiting to order more apoxie-sculpt but don’t have the money.