The Space of Intimacy: Daniel Wiener interviewed by Fawn Krieger, BOMB, October 15, 2019
Daniel Wiener: Kooks and Villains, by Roberta Smith, New York Times, May 29, 2015
Space and Specters: From Calvino to Tarantino, by Paul D’Agostino, Brooklyn Magazine, August 12, 2015
Alien Forms: ‘Cosmicomics’ at Frosch&Portmann, by
Daniel Wiener: Trojan Horses, by Kathleen Whitney, Sculpture Magazine, June 2015
Daniel Wiener at Lesley Heller Workspace, by Jennifer Coates, Hammer and Skittle, May 5, 2015
Researching Daniel Wiener for the Window Gallery by Austin Thomas on Drawing on the Utopic
Interviewed by Zach Keeting and Chris Joy for their website Gorky’s Granddaughter
Paradigm Shift by Janet Goleas, Blinnk
New Sculpture at LongHouse Reserve by Marion Wolberg-Weiss, Dan’s Hamptons
LongHouse Reserve Exhibition: Diversities of Sculpture, The Hamptons.com
Mind, Matter and Exquisite Things by Janet Goleas, Blinnk
Bonnie Rychlak: A Curator’s Work Is Never Done by Jennifer Landes, The East Hampton Star
Daniel Wiener by Alexander Ross, BOMB
Daniel Wiener: Lesley Heller by Douglas Manson, Art in America
An Ethos of Industrious Neurosis by David Brody, ArtCritical.com
David Brody, in a wonderfully clever article, writes “Wiener’s exploratory, morph-or-die universe is the reverse of our inertial one: objects never remain at rest.”
A Mess of Art by Blake Gopnik, The Daily Beast
Haiku Review by Peter Frank, The Huffington Post
Making is Thinking Video Tour by James Kalm/Lauren Monk, ArtReview.com
A walk-through of the show at Lesley Heller Workspace, in April.
Words with the Artist: Daniel Wiener, Part 1 and Part 2 by Jessica Pleasants, FXFOWLE
Daniel Wiener at Calvin Morris Gallery by Ephraim Birnbaum, Romanov Grave
Almost Something—Deceptive Abstraction by Ken Johnson, New York Times
Prizing an Animated Approach to Life by David Pagel, Los Angeles Times
Things and Objecthood by Johanna Drucker, Sculpture Magazine
A Smart Animated Mix of High, Low Style by David Pagel, Los Angeles Times
Daniel Wiener: Bravin Post Lee Gallery by Amy Sillman, Thing Reviews
Daniel Wiener at Bravin Post Lee by Tom Moody, The New Art Examiner
Suspending the Limits on Imagination in Sculpture by David Pagel, Los Angeles Times
The Shape of Things to Come by Raphael Rubinstein, Art in America
Daniel Wiener at Germans van Eck Gallery by Judith Page, Art Papers
Germans van Eck by Hearne Pardee, ARTnews
Daniel Wiener at Germans van Eck by George Melrod, Art in America
Daniel Wiener at Foodhouse by Christopher Knight
Daniel Wiener at Foodhouse by Susan Kandel, The Los Angeles Times
Son of “Scatter” by Dan Cameron, Art and Auction
Crossing Borders by Drew Lowenstein, Downtown Resident
Daniel Wiener at Dorothy Goldeen Gallery by Michael Anderson, Art Issues
Daniel Wiener at Dorothy Goldeen Gallery by David Pagel, Artforum
Review by David Humphry, Artspace
Some Funny Business from Daniel Wiener by David Pagel, Los Angeles Times
Daniel Wiener at Dorothy Goldeen by Isabel Anderson, Artweek
Fabian Marcaccio/Daniel Wiener by Charles Hagan, The New York Times
Fabian Marcaccio/Daniel Wiener by Raphael Rubinstein, Flash Art
Fabian Marcaccio/Daniel Wiener by Robert Mahoney, ARTS Magazine
Fabian Marcaccio/Daniel Wiener by Terry R. Myers, Tema Celeste
“Abstraction: A Perennial Case” at Pamela Auchincloss, The New Yorker
“The Curio Shop” at Thread Waxing Space by Roberta Smith, The New York Times
Daniel Wiener at Feigen by Garrett Holg, ARTnews
Daniel Wiener at Feigen by Kathryn Hixson, ARTS Magazine
College’s “Curio Shop” Displays the Odd and Unnameable by Eileen Watkins, The Sunday Star Ledger
“Allusion” at David Beitzel, The New Yorker
Construction Carries These Kitschy Works by Alan Artner, Chicago Tribune
Animation and Ornament by Robert Mahoney, ARTS Magazine
Daniel Wiener at Sorkin Gallery by Peggy Cyphers, ARTS Magazine